Je vaš zavod prerasel dosedanji poslovni informacijski sistem?
Se procesi v zavodu spreminjajo glede na zahteve trga, vaš trenutni sistem pa teh sprememb ne zajema?
Želite celovito rešitev, ki pokriva vsa področja poslovanja vašega zavoda?
Še vedno vodite vaše procese »na roko«?
Dvomite v verodostojnost podatkov?

Zagotovite si sistem, s katerim boste upravljali in koordinirali vsa razpoložljiva sredstva, vire in aktivnosti v vašem zavodu v samo enem sistemu.

Pridobite možnost integracije poslovnih procesov in hipne sinhronizacije.

Bodite vedno prepričani v točnost informacij, ki vam jih zagotavlja informacijski sistem.


PRO.4 DOMOVI je sestavljen iz naslednjih sklopov:









Izbira informacijskega sistema je ključna poslovna odločitev, s katero se boste soočili v vašem zavodu. Želimo vam predstaviti informacijski sistem, kjer boste odločitev sprejeli le enkrat in vam bo odlično služila za vedno. Smo vodilni ponudnik na področju informacijskih rešitev za domove starejših in socialne zavode. V svojih programskih rešitvah zagotavljamo učinkovito in zanesljivo rešitev, ki spremlja vse zakonske spremembe. Namenjena je uporabnikom na vseh nivojih.



  • Avtomatsko izračunavanje stopnje zdravstvene nege.
  • Enostavna izdelava obračuna (upoštevanje odsotnosti, sprememb …).
  • Neomejeno število sočasnih uporabnikov.
  • Različne kombinacije definiranja plačnikov.
  • Evidentiranje opravljenih storitev po internem pravilniku (storitve, oskrba).
  • Evidentiranje prevez z dodajanjem fotografij.
  • Ob vstopu prikaz tekočega plana dela.

Tendance – Physiotherapy


The programme is perfectly suitable for reviewing the recordings of daily physiotherapy services and work orders prescribed by the doctor, documentation management in order to monitor the course of treatments and results with goals for an individual patient, assessment methods and expert recording of initial and final assessment of the elderly person. The main idea and goal of the programme is to be able to ensure uniform and integral monitoring of the elderly person in question when it comes to performing physiotherapy services in a social security institution according to the protocol prepared in the Slovenian Association of Physiotherapists, thus proving that we follow the evolution of the professional field.

Use (advantages)

  • Examination of admitted residents.
  • Implementation of an assessment upon admittance, with the possibility of evaluation.
  • Recording work orders and prescribed services, with the possibility of daily planning in terms of service implementation.
  • Involving individuals in pre-formed groups for group activities.
  • Recording the service implemented.
  • Separate recording of rehabilitation treatments.
  • Monitoring physiotherapeutical treatment.

Tendance - Urejanje dokumentov o stanovalcih


The main idea and goal of the programme is to be able to monitor outgoing documents in a simple, uniform and comprehensive manner. The programme can be connected to a signature tablet enabling to immediately sign documents and archive them into a document system.


The programme is mainly intended to be used for social record-keeping and documenting in the areas where experts issue documents such as:

  • responses to complete applications.
  • responses to incomplete applications.
  • notifications on being placed on the waiting list.
  • annexes to agreements.
  • examination of application topicality.
  • minutes on change of care.
  • relocation minutes.

Use (advantages)

  • Enhanced transparency over the documents issued.
  • Connectivity with an electronically managed office where an electronic file is created once the request is entered, and the information on the applicant is sent to "PRO.3 Retirement homes" module.
  • Documents are sent by e-mail.
  • Users prepare different types of documents.
  • Archives are available in the document system.
  • Possibility of recording activities and interviews with individual residents on a daily basis, based on a prearranged template.
  • Insight into the primary data on the applicant or resident.

Tendance – Work therapy


The programme has an excellent system for the comprehensive occupational therapy treatment monitoring of the resident, where the therapist first performs and records the assessment of an individual patient. Afterwards, the therapist proceeds with assessment methods and defines the goals of treatment and records the performed activities with the evaluation methods and monitoring of the situation.

Use (advantages)

The main idea and goal of the programme is to enable uniform and integral monitoring of the resident in question when it comes to performing work therapy services in a social security institution according to the standards of the work therapy practice.


The "PRO.4 Work therapy" programme offers the following possibilities:


  • Examination of admitted residents.
  • Recording the preliminary interview (assessment at admission).
  • Planning the performance of services for each individual resident.
  • Recording the services implemented.
  • Recording of rehabilitation treatment.
  • Involving individuals in pre-formed groups for group activities.
  • Monitoring the treatment of each individual resident.


Tendance – Guest book


The "Guest book" module enables electronic monitoring of a temporary residence registration. Applications of residents who live in a social security institution are recorded. The printout of data for each individual resident is enabled in the same way as with analyses. The following reports are entered into the programme:

  • Printout of each individual place of residence registration.
  • Printout of the registered place of residence by date.
  • Printout of a residence registration before expiry.
  • In addition, a calendar overview of residents by month of residence registration expiry is also enabled.


The module enables the following functionalities

  • Check-in
  • Check-out
  • Review of applicants
  • Review of unconfirmed applications